In a recent development, the Himachal Maha Sabha held its general body meeting at Muni Mandir Sector 23 Chandigarh on dated 05-03-2023 Sunday, under the leadership of Sh. Prithi Singh Prajapati. The meeting was attended by members from across tricity, and several important decisions were made. Firstly, the Sabha decided to trademark its name “Himachal Maha Sabha” to protect its identity and prevent unauthorized use of its name.This decision was made after much deliberation and was deemed necessary to protect the Sabha’s interests. This Work will be completed by Pankaj Thakur.The Sabha also decided to organize a medical camp in March 26, 2023, to provide medical assistance to those in need. This decision was welcomed by all members, who stressed the importance of such initiatives.Another major decision made during the meeting was to launch a calendar and cultural program on April 15, 2023. This event is expected to showcase the cultural heritage of Himachal Pradesh .The General Secretary of the Sabha also disclosed the income and expenditure of the organization, providing members with a clear understanding of the financial situation.During the meeting, the Sabha also received an invitation from the Sarb Sanjha Mandal-Chandigarh of Shobha Yatra of Baba Balak Nath, sabha decided arrange and provide own decorated Trala/Rath which was discussed and accepted by members.In a bid to increase its online presence, the Sabha also launched its website – “”.  The website was sponsored,  developed by  CS Infotech, and his team. The President thanked Sh. Chhotu Sharma and his team, including Mr. Vipul for development.Then after committee of Sabha met with the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Sh Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, at Punjab University in Chandigarh to handover a demand letter.During the meeting, the Chief Minister assured the committee that their demands would be looked into and necessary steps would be taken to address their concerns.The committee members expressed their gratitude to the Chief Minister for taking the time to meet with them and for his assurances regarding their demands. Overall, the meeting was seen as a positive step towards addressing the concerns


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